Seaboard Federal Credit Union - The smart place for your money!
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Messages & Alerts

When logged into Home Banking simply select Messages & Alerts, then Manage Alerts to get started.

Service Features

Messages & Alerts allows you to establish specific automatic notifications on your account that allows better management of your account. If your account reaches certain highs, lows or if any of the criteria you select changes, you will be notified. Messages & Alerts is a tool to notify you as an added safeguard for your account.

Alerts are e-mail or text messages that are triggered by an event or condition that occurs on your account. As a member you will need to subscribe to any available Alerts and enter in the specific details each individual subscription requests. Then, an Alert will be received only if the conditions specified are met.

For example, to receive an Alert when a share balance reaches a certain minimum, you would enter an account number and the dollar value that will initiate the Alert. If the account balance stays above the specified minimum, you will never receive that particular Alert.

Some of the Alerts we currently have available are:

  • Check number range cleared
  • Share balance below a value
  • Share deposit above a value
  • Share withdrawal above a value
  • Loan Payment past due