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Why Kids Matter

We understand that children are our future and it is essential to educate children in developing sound financial behaviors while they are young. The lessons they learn at a young age will help them maintain healthy financial habits as they get older. Zoe's Club was developed with this premise in mind. Zoe became the mascot of a credit union because children are drawn to her and enjoy seeing her. Zoe doesn't judge or scare them, she merely wants to love and be loved.

Zoe's Club is built around reading because of the developmental importance of establishing good reading skills at a young age. Reading introduces so many things that help spark different interests in a child, and we want financial literacy to be one of them. In the book, Zoe Finds a Job, Zoe shares her journey of feeling lonely at home all day, to trying to remedy her loneliness with things. She takes a fresh look at how blessed she is, and she decides to get a job to help the family and be an active part of the family team. She learns to spend the money she makes as a mascot and develops lessons to teach others how to manage their money.


Children will read about the importance of trust, communication and social responsibility with the help of this one little 3 lb. Yorkie. A question and answer section at the end of the book will help parents and teachers reinforce the educational benchmarks taught through Zoe Finds a Job. The lessons are applicable to everyone's life and what better way to expose and teach these principles, than to a child.
